Right on the bank of the Mzimvubu River with it's own braai and deck - very spoiled.
This view towards the sea...........
.....................and this upriver.
So I was feeling pretty good when I set out the next day, until I hit the first stop/go. I had tried to find out about the road from Port St Johns to Mthatha but could only get directions not conditions - me and computers. Two hours to do 70 k's and some of the most appalling deviations ever, then a full on traffic jam going into the metropolis, by the time I was the hell out of there I was gently steaming. I arrived at Ocean View and was greeted by chaos, Eskom had just pitched, shut off the electricity and sealed the box as the bill hadn't been paid and Bruce was ready to resign. The "seal" was just tape so he cut it off and switched the power back on then proceeded to have a mighty row with the boss. I sloped off to the cottage and was trying to figure out where to put the van when I realised I was going down-hill on kikuyu - damn. Tried to reverse to no avail, used the diff lock, no dice and no room to turn. So decided to heck with it let's have a snooze and I'll see if I can rustle up some help later. Long story short I eventually told them I'd go into East London and hire a 4x4 in the morning. Unhitched and just for a laugh tried the "movers" which actually did shift the Beast a little way but then the wheels started slipping but I was sure that with a bit of muscle we might manage, so next morning Bruce and his two assistants rolled up and after much huffing and puffing got her back on levelish ground. So now I'm sleeping and eating in the cottage but as there are no cupboards all my clothes remain in the van - nice change though.
On my last visit I had a braai dinner at a place called the Shed and on Friday trundled down and met quite a few of the guys that I'd met the last time - including the owner Brent. R60 for a 300 g steak, with salads and vetkoek - can't complain. When I sat down and started tackling the steak with an ordinary knife one wag shouted to Brent that I must have a lot of faith in his meat.
Two other retirees, Peter and Alan started regaling me with bowling stories and said I really ought to come along and have a game - there are two clubs, one in Kei Mouth and the other in Morgan Bay so they play 4 times a week. I agreed to go the next day but as I had a dose of the squirts didn't fancy the idea of bending down as I might deliver something more than a bowl. I did watch for an hour but am not too sure if it's for me, the postures that some of them get into would keep me in hysterics.
As Trennery's Hotel is only 17 k's from Kei Mouth, I thought a couple of nights there might be fun so booked. To get there requires an interesting trip.......
.....and of course I was immediately accosted by some of the local ladies who together with luggage must have added half a ton. So the Transkei taxi trundled off and virtually every time someone got off someone else would climb on. Finally arrived at the hotel and was very pleasantly surprised.
Kept on getting lost in the bed.
Not as beautiful as some parts of the wild coast.

But a huge lagoon and a long winding gorge made this an ideal option, blasted thing had drainage holes that didn't drain anything but let gallons of water in and it was distinctly chilly around the nether regions.
Slowly wended my way back with the inevitable passenger and took this pic of the Kei Mouth coming down the hill back to the ferry. Arriving at the cottage I went to put something in the fridge only to be met by the most disgusting smell and to my horror saw it was off. I had tried to tell the maid NOT to switch it off and even showed her the contents of the freezer but I guess wires got crossed as she doesn't speak a word of English. Opening the freezer I found it to be empty and wondered where she had put the contents. Questioning her later I only got blank looks and finally ascertained that she had gaily taken about R300 worth of meat and then switched it off. - guess who's not getting a tip.
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